We are excited to invite you to Walk Alongside International: A Parent Engagement Think Tank.
This three day event offers you keynotes with leading experts in the field of parent engagement, think tank sessions where you will engage in dynamic dialogue with colleagues and thought leaders, rich community experiences where you live new practices and possibilities in action, and team planning that will enable you to leave with a vision and a concrete series of next steps.
Please join us from Thursday, May 11th through Saturday, May 13th in Saskatoon at the beautiful Remai Modern Art Gallery situated alongside the picturesque South Saskatchewan river.
Come and connect with new people and new ideas. Plan to be informed, engaged, and transformed by this event. Plan to share your voice, to contribute, and to make a difference in realizing new possibilities for the systemic engagement of parents in schooling and education.
Walk Alongside International was organized with a number of ambitious goals at its foundation. Those goals include, but are not limited to the following: